Thursday, September 3, 2009

July 27-31: Storybooks Come to Life, ages 6-9

Day 1

Cat in the Hat- Using slabs, students created a hat, and then pinched out a cat head for a lid. Later in they day they underglazed these pieces

3D books- Students chose a book, read it, and wrote down a favorite excerpt. Then they used slabs to mold a clay book around a real book.
Paper making- Using leaves gathered from outside, paper pulp, and screens, students made paper for the book they were making later in the week.

Day 2
Egg baskets- Using bisqued bowls as press molds, students created a basket for holding “magic eggs.” They had to compress the clay very well, scratch and attach a handle, and decorate it with stamps.
3D book- Students continued to work on these by making a 3D illustration of their chosen excerpt through pinching, relief, and scratching and attaching.
Students also cut images from National Geographic magazine for collage in their paper books.

Day 4
Students were underglazing and glazing much of their work.

Owl- Using cut out slabs, students made owls based off an excerpt from Harry Potter.
Relief tile- Students made decorative tiles using relief images.
3D book- Students finished building and underglazing their clay books.

Book- Students continued to work on writing and illustrating their story with drawings and collage.

Day 5
Students finished underglazing and glazing their work. They wrote their stories into their paper books and finished collaging. They also learned different book folding techniques.

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